Thursday, January 25, 2018

Strep Throat Strikes Again

Poor Scarlett!  Yesterday after school she was complaining of a sore throat, and by evening she had a low-grade fever.

She had a difficult night of sleeping, and was worse this morning. Took her to the doctor, and she has strep throat.

That is mostly good news since strep throat is easily treated, and what she starts her medication she'll start feeling better very quickly. The bad news is it she is absolutely refusing to take her medicine.  :(

The timing of this illness is so disappointing, because today her kindergarten class performed at an assembly. This evening she has gymnastics. This week she has been part of a cheerleading clinic at a local high school and is going to perform at the big girls at a basketball game tonight.  Rather than doing all of these fun things, Scarlett will be in bed feeling miserable. :(

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